Episode 24
Artificial Intelligence what a Teen, Tween think? Interview
Wanna know what Teens and Tweens think about AI? Listen to these two highly intellectual sisters share their thoughts.
And then, there is the Seenager perspective sprinkled with funny anecdotes. Who knows what the future will bring. Gotta take it in stride. If the world is gonna end, well let's just break out the lawn chairs and watch it all just disappear! LOL .
Artificial Intelligence what a Teen & Tween Think? Interview
AI, Artificial Intelligence, people, artificial intelligence, Harrison, Harrison Ford, talk, give, robot, fad, version, human race, write, adults, teenagers, kids, whole thing, pr, , platonic, Whitney Cummings, Sex, Love, Happiness, Humor, Funny, Comedy, Interview, Improv, The Official Seenagers
Hey everyone, welcome to the official teenagers. I'm Charlie ponger. I thought this was just a test. Yeah. What's your name? Debbie Nigro. And who are you? I'm Luz. Michelle, and who do we have here as our special guest today? I'm Harrison wise. Harrison. Why my husband? Well, how do you say his name? Harrison? You've watched show and tell? Yeah.
I know. Isn't that cute? What I think is cute. Are they sharing a microphone? Because we're not about Swift. I know. They haven't been this close since birth of their last child. But that's okay. It's good. I long for this every day. And so today, everyone, welcome to the show. We're going to talk about AI. What do you think? That's not Anthony Ignatius, it's artificial intelligence.
And how it scares the living shit out of me, does it you? Well, I think everybody's asking, are we going to be replaced by artificial intelligence? That's the big question. Because my job is still good. Am I what? You know, what, what are we gonna have to do different with the world being run by artificial intelligence? And I want to give you some good news. Well, there's certain things that artificial intelligence can't do that humans can do. Like what? Reasoning?
Wrong hustling? No, no, it's limited to pre fed tasks and other people's ideas. Now, it's not going to come up with new ideas. We still need human creativity. We still need people to run things. We still need people to come for the plumbing, we still need people. And I think that we should all be happy and nervous in the same breath. I think when our grandchildren are older and your children or adults, I think there are actually going to be robots that knock on the door and say, I'm your plumber.
I'm picturing the Jetson. Yeah, right? The whole thing. You know, you brought up the younger generation. And it's important that listeners know that this show we're going to touch on how this is affecting us being seen agers artificial intelligence versus the younger generation who now is learning as part of everyday life. Right, kids? What are they doing with this stuff? Yeah, and you, everybody, I impromptu. Had a barbecue over here. And the people and the people are here. There were two young children, children 15 and 12. Ish, right. And so they wanted to get behind the mic. So I just did recording for fun. And we started talking about AI. What do you think of AI? Um, so this is actually a really annoying topic for me. Okay, good. I'll do not take because I'm, I write poetry. Yeah. And so with AI, you can ask AI or artificial intelligence to write to a poem. And it is, it'll be like an immaculate poem. And it's very annoying, because it's like, you know, you can spend your entire life trying to write a poem trying to, you know, create experiences for this like, chat. GPT thing to write in three seconds. Very annoying. Does it has it? Have you tried it? Yep. And what do you think? I think it's very interesting. I mean, I've asked it to write like, very specific essays and poetry, and it's really good. Do you think it writes better than you write?
I don't know. I can answer that. I'll be humble. Um, I think Grace is poetry is very moving in very emotional. I love it. You're 12 years old, say talking like this. I couldn't even count my 10 fingers on my hands yet. That's
a red flag.
That's great. Yeah. Okay. And so her poetry is very moving, huh? Yeah. Um,
I of course, love my I.
Her boyfriend to dating him. You are her I named him Jake. Because me bae. Now. The funny thing is you can you know, Snapchat. Do you know the social? Yeah, I do. So what you can do is, there's this new thing called your Snapchat AI which they made it kind of to be as like a friend for you for people who are struggling, which is kind of annoying, because why are you relying on like an artificial friend? A robot? But so what you can do, you can ask it to call you anything? Yeah, it responds in the matter of three seconds. Oh, so everyone is like, Oh, it's my boyfriend because he responds to me so fast. He complements me.
And he calls me big. So like, that's what people have been doing right now is like kind of like a joke. Oh my gosh. So you guys are really into AI? Yes. I love my text measure loves her ai i don't really love my AI. No minute response so quickly. He's very funny, though. me about my day. Like why? What's funny is the closer the mic This is insane. I like to joke with it. So I'll just call it random things and see how React is really funny. I told it that I was gonna eat my baby. And it was like, oh, no, I was like a joke. Obviously, I'm not any babies. But it was like, you know, I really don't think you should do that. This is really harmful.
I'm trying to be here for you, but it's really hard and gotta be kidding me. And meanwhile I asked it I asked it to call
Me also like, you know, like, also you got this. I'm here for you, please. Oh, it's your baby like he's your joy. Oh my gosh, this. This doesn't scare you. It does. It's very. I mean, it doesn't
advanced technology like, we're not in any sort of golden age at least we're having some achievements. Well, I I don't know, man, this has got me a little freaked out right now. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's okay, we'll get you a girl.
I don't think I want an AI girl for sure. I love mine. Oh my gosh, wait. So what happens? Do you think that AI is going to overtake the human race? I think that people will be interested in like, anything that happens people will be interested in it while it's relevant. But I also think that there will be ways that yes, it will be very helpful, but also ways that it can harm.
Start to figure that out in terms of like writing, I think it really will harm the writing world where you can like, ask it to write like a UN resolution. And it's not that bad like it can it'll get better. So in that sort of sense, like for jobs, yes, it could be more helpful. But I don't know if it's gonna take over the human race. Maybe not in this generation, let's say, okay, but it doesn't frighten you that that is a potential. No, it does. But at the same time, it's also like, live in the moment. Oh, this is not taking over the human race right now. All right, how about you? The thing is, I think that for teenagers, yeah. I think they like when something new happens. Like, they'll like it, they'll start a trend and stuff and they'll make it funny, but then, over time, they'll just get over and like, forget about it. So I don't really know for adults, but I think for like younger people, it's not really gonna affect us that much. Wow, you don't think it's gonna affect you that much? I think because you're gonna be Oh, just so accustomed to it. It's not gonna matter. Is that why?
ing as we go. We thought that:07:35
All right. That's pretty amazing. That's amazing. This has been an amazing conversation. I have to tell you. We've been so confused. Adults are so confused about AI. And you guys seem to have cleared everything up for us. Yeah. Which is that cool. I mean,
our teeth, and your sister is:09:28
I don't know where it is or son I love this government still uses faxes I want you guys to averment Still at all levels city state you're right cuz my son in law called me last week antiquated our government's technology is you know, you talk about AI. Yeah, the government's like, you know, far behind. Very good point. You think at least in terms of their services for us? Do you think the people in the government actually smell the stuff the way I used to with the with the copy machine? Hmm. Are you going back to the Mimeo or whatever it was? That smell I mean, who did I
the hot paper
is awesome. The things
that thing about artificial intelligence is it has no feelings. Okay? It really doesn't it can pretend it has feelings, but it doesn't have any emotions. And yet, from what you said, and we heard, after you played some of the kids comment is that they use using this artificial intelligence as boyfriends scary, that's living crap out of me. Right? I said, No, because I think it's a good thing for people who do have social anxiety, or how do I talk to someone right, and starting this AI relationship and give them tools that they wouldn't get elsewhere. But it's also really creepy.
It's platonic. It's a platonic, you know, like, you know, like a pen. It's pen pals, right? Oh, that's a very good point. People have been similar, but a pen pal was both actual person and actual person. Yes. All right. But I think it could go far more than platonic. And I think it could go to I hate to say this audience auto stimulation, right? So these people are, you know, they're going to replate they're not going to need another human being, they're just going to do that instead. I hope that I know, right? We gotta put another tool in our belt. I'll kick this AI. They're all over the place. from Staten Island. You can't replace human touch though. You can't replace that. You know what I mean? But you know, a hug.
On camera, listen to the microphone. Hey, listen. Listen, excuse, forget about them. Let's talk me in Utah.
Whitney Cummings, as a robot that looks just like her. Whitney Cummings, a stand up comedian, as a robot that looks just like, which brings me to the perfect segue into our conversation here. Would you want AI to replace you? Or have another extra version of you?
What do you think slightly more of me is great. I would love several. What if I, you know, with AI? Maybe you could strip out the best stuff, you know, a version of me that doesn't get mad, you know, a version of me that cooks you know, all the time that version? Who so you know, because you could divide and conquer, right? sounds it sounds good and bad. Then in band, right? I could strip away all the, you know, the negatives, right? Well, or you're gonna have a negative version just to send on the road.
Shared any negativity negative versions of you whatsoever? You walk on cloud nine, as far as she's concerned, I
have a short few you guys. There's two bedrooms here just in case.
When a husband and wife, husband and wife actually get to spend this kind of quality time together, even it's in front of you and me. Yeah. Yeah. I know. totally unique to like, Oh, I haven't seen you this close. I'm like, I don't know, six, seven months. I mean, look at us now. Yeah. So I want to just say that I read this morning. You forget about them. I just said this morning. Yeah. Read this morning, read this morning that in the podcast world. Yeah, they are cloning, personalities, voices, so that they can use the personalities to do podcast advertisement endorsements without us having to call on them. And I'm like, that's really bizarre. And also maybe cool, right? Because long as you get paid for your voice, but you don't know what they're making your voice say. Yeah, right. But I would like a couple extra me. Yeah. Yeah. Because I can't do all the things that me needs to do. I don't have ADHD, and I like 17 different scenarios. If I had one of me for each of those scenarios, the real me could be on a hammock. What if you're doing something more positive? Like just yeah, there's like, I feel like there's like, you're the one that has the real version, you have feelings, you get to enjoy and relax, and watch those people run around like idiots. Robots, they're gonna be Debbie versions of robots with ADHD. Imagine that. Oh, that's a disaster. So that's where it goes very raw. Is there a cut off to that? Because they have like, the 10 soldiers marching shoulders or whatever it was, there's a whole thing of them. What if there were 500 Debbie's running around? And I would I would create something to knock off for 99? Because that's not what would an AI version of you come in handy for Charlie?
Nothing because I'm perfect.
Why is that? Not funny?
So what about the eyeball thing? You know, the guy who invented artificial intelligence, by the way was a college dropout. So don't don't bust your kid's chops if they jump out to college, because you never know what they've got going. Right.
You know, he's even spoken in front of Congress, Congress that he's a little scary where this could go wrong, even though he's excited about where it can go, right. Okay, but what he's doing because he feels bad that it's going to replace so many jobs. He's creating his own currency called World coin, that he wants to give everybody money. And the only way you're gonna get it is to show your eyeballs to him to sign a Tom Cruise movie. Yeah.
eyeballs are gonna get you the other movie out of time with Justin Timberlake members out. This whole this whole thing is so scary side why it's so whacked. It's going to be the end of human race. Just like stuff just like I predicted that mosquitoes were going to kill us all.
It's gonna be the end of customer service representatives. Oh, that might be a good thing by badge. receptionists are already gone. Yeah, they're already gone. They already gone. They're definitely gone now. Yeah. About the toll booths they're gone they're gone. Gone. Wait till they get rid of the taxi drivers.
Now I don't want something taking over the driving that I don't know. I don't have all the things you're worried about driving I rather drive. What about a pilot for an airplane? Oh, no, I don't know what
nberger Whaley Oh have flight:16:28
You know? And that's not in the code. That's right I sent us in are sentient. Oh, that's a great example. Use these Ellenberg No, it really is you guys doing really? Interesting Harrison, please instinct. We still live in the real world. So you need interesting, right? Just like book shoulders, Asian mess have survived on instinct. Your example was so right on. Yeah, because he saved so many people's lives by landing that plane in the middle of the Hudson River. Yeah, if he had not been human and over written the intelligence of the plane, this would not be a story. unhappily give us the double secret underbelly of what you talked about with Scully. And there's no secret underbelly is just you know, the after 911 The pilots were they gave a lot of, you know, part of their time, salaries, etc, to help rebuild the airline industry. And they didn't return those things, of course, after a long period of time. Yeah. So they just wanted to, like use the media platform at that opportunity to basically, you know, share that narrative as part of the ability to be a hero, you know, we we should also be paid for our skills and those talents and those things that we do. Yeah, by the way, what you are is a PR guru. And for those of you who don't know, Harrison has his own public relations company. And you'll be happy to know as one of the jobs that is not going the way of ai pr managers. And that is because it's all about creating relationships and expanding the network. And you know, AI can't just do that for you think AI is ever going to have emotional feelings. Do you think they'll have emotion down the road? Yes. How can it not? How could it not right?
What do you think? Well, right now it's relying on everything it knows it's already been done, right? And said and created and described. So if somebody described, I am so worn out, and I can't take another minute and get I feel like and gave an emotional speech, they could pull that speech and pretend it was them. But as far as having motions themselves, no, it's somebody else's words. Yeah. What do you think there's not I think it will mimic emotion Mimic, but it's not, it's not there. Because you could always unplug it and it's gone, right? It's like, Oh,
can we do that in relationships, too? I mean, that would be fantastic. I can hit a robot to just cry with me once a day. So we're in it together and then shut it off. Great. I'm on board. Oh, my God. If I could clone myself, right now, so I'm gonna sign you up.
We're gonna cry.
I want to get into somebody's concert looking like them. So I get a good seat. Don't have to, like looking like Mick Jagger. Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. I want to get her Yeah, I want to use her AI version of her and I'm like, put it in front of me and like walk in like, hey, and then just be at a concert or walk you right to the front. As Paul gave somebody somebody's working on that. You've seen concerts where like, you know, people who have passed have you know, they're singing right next to ya.
Nicole Michael Jackson. Yeah.
What was your this stuff was here. Yeah, it's all here. I forget the woman's name. I wouldn't saw that gig. She's no longer with us here. They gotta go off grid man. This Yeah. So artificial intelligence. Adults versus kids. Yeah. Do you think the kids are going to embrace it? Or are they going to be fighters in the midst of them? Well, in the in the interview that we you know, the impromptu interview we had, they talked about how it was just going to be a fad, right? They didn't think it was going to be anything more than that. And then there'll be on to the next thing. I didn't want to break the news to him because you know, it's
like telling them there's no Santa Claus or whatever, right? You can't do that. Yeah. In terms of communicating. Now you now we have stopped using the telephone. And we texted in to these kids. What are they stopped doing earlier than? Oh, yeah. Well, that's a great question. So one likes to be on the phone. But the friends don't necessarily want to be on the phone. We have that issue as adults too. By the way, I don't want to talk to anybody. Yeah, no, because I can ever friggin talk to lose on the phone. It's always done text to be in the right state. What state like Connecticut? Rhode Island ready, ready to talk? All right. I never know when that is until you're here right now. Holy Christ, the texting thing, but they the kids. They kind of they feel like social media is a half two. Right? Not like it's a, you know, even up to people like in their mid 30s. It's like, well, I sent him a note on Instagram. I'm like you so you expect a response? When you have their phone number? You need to book something. And you sent him a note on Instagram. But that's how the mindset is Harrison do you actually communicate by phone with any of the people you deal with in the PR world? Yeah, you have to write so how do you get their number they actually give you their number. So is there a human that actually you have to work on that? It's been harder since COVID? Is it hard to find somebody? Yeah. Nobody wants to give away their cell phone number that's no that's a privilege thing. I think wow. It's scary. You have a work phone specifically which you know, that's another cost and other expense but some companies will pay for your in journalism and whatnot. whatnot. Yeah, don't look at me when when you're talking because then you're not on the microphone. Forget I'm forgetting I'm even
looking at me and talk to her and pretend I'm
looking at me your left eye. Look at me and I'm gonna go like this guy. Look at me.
Alright, how's that?
Well, that's artificial.
You know, the thing about artificial intelligence is it's phony and I hate phonies. And so I don't know what I'm going to do about this whole thing. Artificial is not a good word. It's it's not authentic. It's right off the bat. It's on a track. Right, right. Look at artificial flowers. You go down a neighborhood and you drive down the street. People have artificial flowers out front an artificial grass. You trust these people? I don't trust someone back.
On the grass, Charlie, I don't trust who pays either. Artificial, artificial artificial turf at its finest.
Alright, everybody, thank you so much for listening. We're the official teenagers. You're a teenager now because you're listening. Remember, we're not teenagers anymore. We're seeing agers. So sign up for our email and you get them right directly into your box. No pun intended. And
nobody was thinking that oh, buddy. The mirrors is so loud. There's
nobody was thinking.
Thank you very much everybody. We meet we must go now. Yeah, bye bye.